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The Jewish Women's Connection at Emek Beracha is group focused on fostering sisterhood amongst the women at Emek Beracha and the surrounding community through social, spiritual, and educational programming.

Upcoming Events

All Events
  • Saturday ,
    AugAugust  10 , 2024
    illya ostrovsky
    Shabbat, Aug 10th (All day)
    Sponsored by Illya Ostrosky and his daughter, Alla, and his son Alex in honor of the shloshim for their wife and mother, Elena, a"h, who passed away suddenly on July 11th. (The shloshim was Friday, August 9th) The Neshama should have an Aliya.


  • Saturday ,
    AugAugust  24 , 2024
    Sarah Felsen
    Shabbat, Aug 24th (All day)
    Aufruf for Chezky Felsen



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784