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Derasha Parshat Korach

07/12/2024 12:00:00 AM


The Parasha has no real date stamp.  Rashi, via the Midrash I will mention soon, connects it to the end of last week’s Parasha.  That would mean the rebellion comes right after the episode of the spies during the second year since the exodus.  But the verses themselves give no hint.  

There is, on the other hand, circumstantial evidence about where it fits.  Close to the beginning of...Read more...

Derasha Parshat Shlach

07/02/2024 12:00:00 PM


We know how the catastrophe of this Parasha ends, with no entrance to the land for this generation.  With that, one wonders, “What were they thinking?”  There are roughly three approaches to this question:

Among those with the lowest motivations, the Zohar says that the spies were looking to protect their own status.  In the desert, they are leaders and men of prominence.  In the land of...Read more...

Derasha Parshat Beha'alotcha

06/24/2024 12:00:00 PM



I always concentrate on the transition point in this Parasha, the point at which catastrophes take over the story in the wilderness.  That is the pivot point of the Parasha and of the book as a whole.  All of the preparation for the first two and a half Parashiot runs aground in what seems to be minutes.  The ideal situation turns into the fallen situation with which we still live.  So I usually...Read more...

Derasha Parshat Nasso

06/20/2024 11:05:41 AM


The juxtaposition of the episode of the Sota woman, the woman suspected of adultery, and the sort of honorary Kohen, the Nazir, struck the rabbis as odd.  Why did the Torah put these two together?  The answer is that one inspires the other.  That is, if someone witnesses the disgrace of the Sota woman, the person will be moved to forbid him or herself from wine for at least 30 days.  


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784