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Derasha Parshat Bechukotai

06/04/2024 12:00:00 AM


The Parasha begins with a funny verb.  It doesn’t sound funny; it’s pedestrian enough.  But the condition should be, “if you keep my Chukot.”  Or “if you do them.”   Why does it say, “walk”?  Most commentators say that that is why Rashi tells us that this is a reference to learning Torah with great effort and not to doing Mitzvot in...Read more...

Derasha Parshat Behar

05/31/2024 12:00:00 AM


Sometimes I get calls or messages just because I’m one of the last 5% of US rabbis up at a certain hour of the night.  If a problem arises after 11 pm or midnight on the East Coast, a call to a local rabbi might be considered rude.  But on the West Coast, it’s still early.  The OU has a Daily Chizuk Call on weekdays at 1 pm EDT.  I have spoken twice in the last few...Read more...

Derasha Parshat Emor

05/22/2024 12:00:00 AM


The Parasha begins with an odd repetition of two forms of the verb “Amira” (speaking).  Rashi says that the doubling is to “warn the big about the small” (L’hazhir Gedolim Al HaK’tanim).  That is usually translated as, “to warn the adults about the children,” and it means that adult Kohanim are commanded to convey to their children the special obligations that...Read more...

Busiest Day of The Year

04/21/2024 03:53:08 PM


Tomorrow (Monday, April 22), Erev Pesach, is an intense day of activity.  With the help of R' David Heber of the Star-K in Baltimore,  here  is a list of items to keep in mind.  (Thank you to those who pointed out that the version sent out last week had mistakes.  It is now fully up-to-date for this year.)  

May the next Erev Pesach be the busiest ever, with a new Beit...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784